In the context of their affiliation with the Research Host Lab, students are expected to acquire state-of-the-art knowledge in the research themes studied in their Research Host Laboratory and become familiarized with the evaluation and analysis of research literature in modern aspects of molecular and cellular biology.

Syllabus: Students actively participate in research team meetings and relevant bibliography seminars in their Research Host Lab, and also in Joint Seminars held by members of all collaborating departments/institutes of the University of Ioannina and BRI-FORTH involving lectures by researchers from the University of Ioannina, BRI-FORTH, or other Universities or Research Centres from Greece and abroad, in current themes of Biotechnology, Biosciences, and Biomedical Research.

2021_Joint Seminars in Biotechnology, Biosciences, and Biomedical Research (first cycle: May-July 2021) co-organized by UCRI-Inst. of Biosciences, IMBB-FORTH, Biomedical Res. Dpt., and IIPPS Mol Cell Biol Biotechnol (pdf)

Course Outline MKBB202

Joint Seminars in Biotechnology, Biosciences, and Biomedical Research (calendar)

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